Technical expert opinions as well as advice / consulting in the field of “machinery, mechanical engineering, technical equipment” for insurance companies, industrial and commercial enterprises as well as for courts of law

Client for expert opinions with different focuses for different purposes
Depending on the case of damage to machinery and other aspects (contracts, legal strategy, etc.), the various clients have corresponding focal points or tasks that are taken into account in the expert opinion of a publicly appointed and sworn and/or internationally certified expert in the field of machinery, mechanical engineering, plants.
Client for expert opinions machinery, equipment, mechanical engineering
- Examples of assignments from insurance companies, industrial companies and courts;
- References in the party order: insurance companies, industry and commercial enterprises;
- Court Order References.
Examples and content for common assignments ...

... usually commission after the damage occurred:

... commission from different occasions:
- Expert opinion on preserving evidence
- Evaluation
- Consulting
- Machine purchasing advice
- Fire damages
- Liability damages
- Buying advice machines
- Machinery Directive
- Machine safety
- Machine damages
- New value
- Product liability
- Expert procedure
- Claims Processing
- Amount of damage
- Cause of damage
- Market value determination
- Insurance valuation
- Value Appraisal
- Fair value
- …
by order of the party and by order of the court
A long and continuous period of more than two decades in providing expert opinions on technical problems in the field of mechanical engineering, machinery, equipment and related technical fields…
Party mission: Industry and insurance
As shown, the orders of business enterprises, industry and insurance companies differ slightly. It is essential that insurance companies are almost exclusively commissioned when the damage has already occurred. Commercial enterprises and the manufacturing industry, on the other hand, also commission more extensive inspections of technical issues that do not have to be directly related to a claim that has already occurred.
A-I | I-Z |
3B TEC Aufbereitungssysteme GmbH | Implenia Construction GmbH |
Aachen Münchener Versicherungs AG | Ingenieurbüro Gronau GmbH |
ACT Systems GmbH | IPW GmbH |
Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG | Jäger Automobil-Technik GmbH & Co. KG |
Advanced Galvanisation AG | JENSEN-SENKING GmbH |
afu GmbH | Jungheinrich Moosburg GmbH |
AIT GmbH | Kelag AG, Schweiz |
Allianz Versicherungs AG | Kirchner Solar Group GmbH |
Alte Leipziger Versicherung AG | Kompostsysteme Nord GmbH |
Artur Küpper GmbH | Krafft (COBATEC) |
ASK Recycling GmbH | KRAVAG Logistic Versicherungs-AG |
Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH | KRAVAG Umweltschutz und Sicherheitstechnik GmbH (KUSS) |
Atelier Verführt Messe GmbH | KRAVAG Versicherungen |
Atlas Baumaschinen GmbH | KSA Hannover |
ATOXI Sport GmbH | KSM – Castings GmbH |
ATP Alltape Klebetechnik GmbH | L + S Präzisionsguß GmbH |
AXA Konzern AG | Linde und Wiemann GmbH KG |
AXA Versicherung AG | Ludwig Pfeiffer Microtunnel GmbH & Co. KG |
B/S/H – Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH | LVM Versicherungen |
B/S/H – Hausgerätewerk Nauen GmbH | Mafi Transport-Systeme GmbH |
Bactoforce GmbH | MAGNA Zippex GmbH |
Bayerische Landesbrandversicherung AG | Martinrea Honsel Germany GmbH & Co. KG |
BBA Friction GmbH | Media Broadcast GmbH |
Beck Verlag | MICOR GmbH |
Bizerba GmbH & Co. KG | Motortech GmbH |
BMW AG | MSC.Software GmbH |
BPW Bergische Achsen KG | NEFF GmbH |
Bruno Bock Chemische Fabrik GmbH & Co. KG | NetConsulting GmbH |
Bruno Bock Holding GmbH & Co. KG | Nürnberger Versicherungsgruppe |
C. Behrens Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG | Pall Filtersystems GmbH |
C. Gielsch GmbH | Panasonic Industrial Devices Europe GmbH |
C.M.S. Costruzione Macchine Speciali S.r.l. | Parker Hannifin GmbH |
Capri Sun AG | Peac (Germany) GmbH |
CenMax GmbH | Pecolith Kunststoffe GmbH & Co. KG |
Circular Carbon GmbH | Perburg GmbH |
Cober Industrial Service Handels GmbH | PET Kunststoffrecycling GmbH |
Concordia Versicherungs-Gesellschaft a.G | Pitney Bowes |
Condor Allgemeine Versicherungs – Aktiengesellschaft | PLEWA GmbH |
Decoma (Germany) GmbH | Provinzial Versicherung |
DESMI GmbH | R+V Versicherung |
Deutsche Saatveredelung AG | Röchling Automotive |
Diekmeyer Maschinenbauteile GmbH | ROHRCO Rohranlagenbau GmbH |
Dipl. Ing. Fr. Bartram GmbH & Co. KG | Ruck Ventilatoren GmbH |
DMT Welldone GmbH | Sächsische Druckguß GmbH |
Dornier Seawings GmbH | Sahm Splice GmbH |
DÜRR Automation GmbH | Salzgitter AG |
Eepos GmbH | Schmitz & Co |
Egon Elsäßer Bauindustrie GmbH & Co. KG | Schreyer GmbH |
ERGO Versicherung AG | Schweerbau GmbH & Co. KG |
Faurecia Inneraum Systeme GmbH | SHP Celex, Bosnien-Herzegowina |
FMS Ingenieurbüro | Silgan White Cap Manufacturing GmbH |
G.S.P. GmbH | SLM Solutions Group AG |
Generali Deutschland Schadenmanegement GmbH | SLR Elsterheide GmbH |
Gesellschaft für Kosmetikprodukte mbH | Sparkassenversicherung |
GKN Driveline Trier GmbH | STILL GmbH |
Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG | Tegut … Gute Lebensmittel |
Göttingen, Stadt Göttingen | Thaletec GmbH |
Gottwald Port Technology GmbH | Thyssen Krupp Fahrzeugguss GmbH |
GRAUTHOFF Türengruppe GmbH | Tokio Marine HCC |
Gravens Automation GmbH | Tokio Marine Kiln Insurance Ltd |
Hanno Werk GmbH | Treichel Elektronik GmbH |
Hänsel Processing GmbH | Trepel Airport Equipment GmbH |
Hartal Hans Holzhauser GmbH & Co. KG | UKS – Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes |
HDI Global SE | VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH |
HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG | Verlag C.H. Beck OHG |
HE Profilcenter GmbH | Versicherungskammer Bayern |
Helvetia Versicherungen | VGH-Versicherungen |
HGI Heger Gebäudeautomation Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH | VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG |
Holzexport Sp.z.o.o | VHV Solutions GmbH |
Horst Stichnoth GmbH & Co KG | VIKTORIA Versicherungen |
Hövelmann & Rinsche | Vogel Business Media GmbH & Co. KG |
HSM Maschinentechnik GmbH & Co. KG | Voith Turbo Scharfenbergkupplung GmbH & Co. KG |
IBR – Ingenieurbüro Ruths GmbH | Volksfürsorge Versicherung AG |
IEP Innovative Energien Potsdam GmbH | Volkswagen AG, Braunschweig |
IFUTEC GmbH | Volkswagen Kraftwerk GmbH |
IHK Berlin | VULKAN Kupplungs- und Getriebebau B. Hackforth GmbH & Co. KG |
IHK Dortmund | Wasserverband Ithbehörde |
IHK Düsseldorf | Wegner Modellbau GmbH |
IHK Erfurt | Wilhelm Hoyer GmbH & Co. KG |
IHK Giessen-Friedberg | Windhoff Wassertechnik GmbH |
IHK Hagen | WK Konstruktionen GmbH |
IHK Hannover | Württembergische Versicherung AG |
IHK Köln | XL Insurance Company SE |
IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein | Zoatec GmbH |
IHK München | Zurich Insurance plc |
IHK Osnabrück | Züricher Handelskammer |
IHK Siegen | |
IHK Südthüringen |
Court order
In the court order, only the evidence order is authoritative. Common topics are listed “above”.
Local Court | Regional Court | High Regional Court |
Achim | Ansbach | Berlin (Kammergericht) |
Alfeld | Arnsberg | Celle |
Braunschweig | Augsburg | Düsseldorf |
Burgwedel | Aurich | Frankfurt |
Celle | Berlin | Hamm |
Delmenhorst | Bielefeld | Oldenburg |
Einbeck | Bochum | |
Elze | Braunschweig | |
Emmerich am Rhein | Bremen | |
Hameln | Bückeburg | |
Hann. Münden | Chemnitz | |
Hannover | Cottbus | |
Herzberg | Dessau-Roßlau | |
Hildesheim | Dresden | |
Holzminden | Duisburg | |
Ingolstadt | Düsseldorf | |
Magdeburg | Frankenthal | |
Minden | Freiburg | |
Montabaur | Fulda | |
München | Göttingen | |
Nienburg (Weser) | Halle | |
Oldenburg | Hamburg | |
Oschersleben | Hanau | |
Osterholz-Scharmbeck | Hannover | |
Rostock | Heidelberg | |
Rotenburg (Wümme) | Heilbronn | |
Salzgitter | Hildesheim | |
Sondershausen | Kassel | |
Stade | Kiel | |
Stadthagen | Koblenz | |
Stendal | Konstanz | |
Stolzenau | Landshut | |
Sulingen | Leipzig | |
Tostedt | Lüneburg | |
Trier, Arbeitsgericht | Magdeburg | |
Viersen | Mainz | |
Villingen-Schwenningen | Mannheim | |
Wetzlar | Marburg | |
Wolfenbüttel | Mönchengladbach | |
Münster | ||
Offenburg | ||
Oldenburg | ||
Osnabrück | ||
Paderborn | ||
Ravensburg | ||
Regensburg | ||
Rostock | ||
Siegen | ||
Stade | ||
Stendal | ||
Traunstein | ||
Verden | ||
Wiesbaden | ||
Wuppertal |
Publicly appointed and sworn Expert for the “Analysis of causes of damage, vibration technology and durability on machines and their components” by the Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
Internationally certified Expert for “Machinery and equipment and their evaluation, structural mechanics and structural dynamics” according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012 by EURO-ZERT.