Client feedback
Technical expert opinions as well as advice / consulting in the field of “machines, mechanical engineering, plants” for insurance companies, industrial and commercial enterprises as well as for courts of law

Expert opinions with different focuses for different purposes
Depending on the case of damage and other aspects (contracts, legal strategy, etc.), the different clients have corresponding focal points or tasks which are taken into account in the expert opinion of a publicly appointed and sworn and/or internationally certified expert in the field of "machinery, mechanical engineering, plants".
Below you will find some feedback from customers and clients as a reference in the field of expert opinions for machinery and damage to machinery. The expert opinions are always prepared in a neutral and high-quality manner in order to meet the highest demands of our clients. Typical clients are commercial enterprises, industrial companies, insurance companies and courts. The expertise gained in mechanical engineering makes it possible to provide well-founded and informative expert opinions that help clients make appropriate decisions.
Examples of feedback ...
Dear Mr. Flammer, thank you for the interim info. It seems that everything is still up in the air, but at least with you it is in the best hands, so that it can be assumed that you will ultimately clarify the matter or break down the facts. Once again, I would like to thank you very much for your commitment.
Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG
Hello Mr. Flammer, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your spontaneous help. It is not a matter of course to obtain the help you need on the basis of a simple phone call. Enclosed you will receive an umbrella to prevent you from standing in the rain yourself one day.
Hanno Werk GmbH
.... You have competently and convincingly carried out this expert opinion assignment to the complete satisfaction of the court. I can therefore recommend you as an expert without reservation. The judgment issued on the basis of your expert opinion and its oral explanation is final and no appeal has been lodged.
Vers. Richter am Landgericht Hildesheim
Dear Mr. Flammer, for your commitment and the speedy coordination of the inspection process we thank you.
VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG
We were not able to reach an agreement with XXX today, but the arguments and documents prepared together with you were very helpful for us.
KSM Casting GmbH
The expert has comprehensibly and convincingly determined that the construction ... according to the design drawing was functional according to Annex B 13.
OLG Celle
Dear Mr. Flammer, we would like to expressly say "thank you" from the bottom of our hearts in this matter! Thank you for your support, your time, your effort, your presentation, thank you, for your facilitation at the 6/29/2020 meeting, thank you for "answering" all questions. Many thanks for the pleasant cooperation.
Württembergische Versicherung AG
Hello Mr. Flammer, I did not speak at yesterday's Skype conference because I simply had nothing more to add to what you said. I see the facts exactly as you do and could not have put it remotely so aptly.
ALMA driving elements GmbH
With reference to the expert opinion of the expert Dipl.-Ing. Frank Flammer dated February 17, 2018, the Defendant has stated that the tracking systems of the type ... are machines in the sense of the aforementioned definition.
OLG Frankfurt
In fact, expert opinions in the field of mechanical engineering, machinery and equipment are extremely diverse and individual, as they depend on the specific circumstances and requirements of each case.
Depending on the client (industrial companies, insurance companies or courts), the requirements for an expert opinion may vary. An expert must consider the technical-legal and insurance aspects of each case.
The ability to adapt to different tasks in mechanical engineering and provide tailored expertise is crucial to satisfying customers and receiving positive feedback. This requires not only sound technical knowledge, but also the ability to cooperate and communicate with various stakeholders of the commissioning industrial companies, insurance companies and courts.
Publicly appointed and sworn Expert for the “Analysis of causes of damage, vibration technology and durability on machines and their components” by the Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
Internationally certified Expert for “Machinery and equipment and their evaluation, structural mechanics and structural dynamics” according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012 by EURO-ZERT.