Major damage
In the field of “machinery, mechanical engineering, industrial equipment”, the major damage always means a huge problem for the injured parties. Experienced experts handle major claims.
What's next?

Major losses: machinery, mechanical engineering, plant, operating equipment
They almost always occur unexpectedly and without notice. Few companies are prepared for such loss events and rely on their insurer to handle claims. In principle, that is also a good thing. However, claims processing and settlement can be carried out much more efficiently if preparations are made through risk management.

What to do?
Your own insurer will be notified of the claim that has occurred. The following are regulated, for example: property damage, business interruption, building damage.

The insurer ...
... appoints one or more experts to determine the amount of the damage and, if necessary, the cause of the damage.

Insurance value is determined
Among the tasks of the expert(s) for the settlement by the insurer, it is of crucial importance whether the contractually agreed insured amount was in reality accurate at the time of the damage.

Amount of damage
The amount of damage is determined by one or more experts. The insurance company and the policyholder can agree on (an) expert(s) to determine the amount of the damage. This is by no means "unusual."
From the point of view of the policyholder, this always becomes problematic if the determined amount of the loss and thus the settlement does not “meet” the “expectations” of the injured party. This is often the case in practice for various reasons. This “danger” can be prevented by means of an expert procedure.

Essential in large-scale damage are ...
... various necessary steps and procedures. In such critical situations, it is essential that experienced professionals take over, as they have the necessary expertise and experience to handle the situation efficiently.
The process for handling major losses in this area usually begins with a comprehensive inventory. For this purpose, experienced experts are consulted who have profound knowledge in mechanical engineering and industrial plants. These experts examine the damage in the field to determine the full extent of the damage and to identify the resulting challenges.
One of the key tasks is to determine the exact cause of the damage. This often requires a thorough investigation and analysis to determine what caused the damage. This also determines who, if anyone, will be held legally responsible at a later date. Finally, major losses in the field of machinery and mechanical engineering are always associated with the clarification of questions of causation and responsibility.
In parallel, the amount of damage must also be determined. This includes the quantitative assessment of the financial impact of the damage. This includes determining fair value, value as new, insurance value and other aspects.
Claims management plays a crucial role in the efficient resolution of major losses. Here, all necessary measures must be coordinated and accompanied in order to resume operations as quickly as possible. This may include organizing repairs, procuring spare parts, scheduling repair work and refurbishments, and and monitoring deadlines and budgets.
Overall, the professional handling of major claims in the field of mechanical engineering and industrial plants is a demanding task for experienced surveyors and experts, requiring a deep understanding of the technical aspects, experience in claims management and the ability to react quickly. Only by working with experienced experts can an efficient solution be found to get operations back on track and minimize the financial impact of the damage.
The expert procedure always takes a little longer due to two experts. However, there is the certainty that two specialists with different principals have dealt with the issue and in case of disagreement the umpire decides on the remaining points to be clarified.