Technical expert reports on damage to machinery, technical equipment and in mechanical engineering and their evaluation with claims handling, amount of damage, cause of damage
Technical service for expert opinions in the field of "machines, damages" with emphasis on
The service comprises mainly extensive as well as highly complex technical expertises on machines and technical equipment, mechanical engineering as well as related fields. Clients are companies, especially from the industry and insurance sector, but also courts (higher regional courts, district courts) in legal disputes.
The expert opinions are all special. The expertise naturally includes the technical clarification of major losses as well as the determination of causes of damage and the amount of loss In over 20 years of activity, not a single case has been lost in subsequent legal disputes on the basis of the party expert opinion.
As with a court order for evidence, a task must be defined and agreed upon when it is commissioned. Findings must be based on the task and must not be hypotheses. This strategy creates the basis for a professional and long-term successful cooperation.
The Clients ...

... usually commission after the damage occurred.
The causality in the liability claim and the amount of the damage are often examined or determined. It may also be machine breakage and fire damage.

... commission from different occasions.
In the event of damage, professional preservation of evidence is very often necessary so that production can be restarted as quickly as possible. There are, of course, other tasks.

... if there is an order for evidence.
The basis for a court report to be submitted is always an existing order for evidence from the commissioning court. There are formulated the questions to be clarified.