Topics for expert opinions
The topics and tasks of technical expert opinions and consulting in the field of “machines, mechanical engineering, plants” are manifold.

Technical reports: none like the other!
The problems in expert reports in the field of "machines, mechanical engineering, plants" are varied and often concern different technical topics. That is why a wealth of experience is of particular importance when technical problems have to be "brought to the point".
A-L | L-Z |
2006/42/EC | laundry machines |
98/37/EC | laundry mangle |
accident prevention | lifting platforms |
acid plants | locomotives |
Advice on new machines (purchase) | log splitting machines |
Advice on the purchase of used machines | luxury food industry machines |
aerial work platforms | machine breakage |
agricultural equipment | machine elements |
agricultural machinery | machine safety |
air conditioners | machine tools |
air conditioners | machine tools |
Airport Equipment | Machinery Directive |
analyzers | machining centers |
apparatuses | manufacturing engineering |
assembly technology | manufacturing facilities |
automation technology | manufacturing systems |
Axles | masts |
bakery machines | material testing |
ball-bearing | material testing |
band saw | materials |
bearing blocks | materials technology |
bearing damage | Measuring device |
bending machines | mediation |
beverage industry machines | microsystems |
bodywork technology | milling machines |
boiler | mills |
boiler systems | mini crane |
brushing machines | mining machines |
building material machines | modal analyses |
butcher machines | mowing caterpillar |
Buying advice machines | MRI |
cabin facilities | natural frequencies |
cables | needle bearing |
CAD/CAM systems | norms |
CAE, FEM, simulation | Occupational health and safety |
camp | operating facilities |
capacitors | Operational Safety Ordinance |
car washes | Optical devices |
car washes | Optical metrology |
CE directives | optics |
CE marking | optimization |
centrifuges | Out-of-court dispute resolution |
chain elevator | packaging machines |
chains | packagings |
chillers | paint shops |
circular saws | paper converting machines |
cleaning systems | paper machines |
clothes dryer | papermaking machines |
CNC machines | part time management |
cold rooms | piping |
combined heat and power plants | planning damage |
compressed air systems | plant control |
compressors | plastic processing machines |
confectionery machines | PLC controls |
construction | pleasure machines |
construction machinery | precision engineering |
construction methodology | precision mechanics |
construction technique | Press |
Consulting (technical) | Presses (Laundry) |
ConsultingConsultante | pressure valves |
container | pressure vessel |
Container | prime movers |
container cranes | printing machines |
control technology | process technology |
conveyor belts | processes |
conveyor chains | product liability |
conveyor systems | production technology |
conveyor systems | pump |
conveyor technology | punching |
corrosion | quality management |
cracks | rail switch |
crane systems | rail vehicles |
cranes | rails |
cross bridges | recycling plants |
crusher | robot |
cylinder | robotic lawnmower |
data processing equipment | roller bearing |
declaration of incorporation | rolls |
dedusting systems | rotors |
demolition grab | saws |
dispute resolution | scanning electron microscope |
doors, gates | scissor lift |
dosing systems | screening machines |
drilling machines | screw conveyors |
drive technology | screws |
drums | security cabins |
dryer | security technology |
Dryer (Laundry) | SEM |
drying plants | sensors |
durability | sewage treatment plants |
dynamics | shape optimization |
edge banding machines | shelving systems |
edging machines | shredder |
electric motors | shredders |
Electrical drive technology | silos |
Electrical machines | simulation |
electronics | slings |
emergency generators | sound insulation |
energy services | soundproof capsules |
engine mount | Sounds |
Engines | Special mechanical engineering |
Equipment and Product Safety Act | specifications |
ergonomics | specifications |
escalators | speed sensors |
escalators | spindles |
Evaluation | stages |
excavator | steam boiler |
exhaust fans | steam generator |
expert procedure | steering columns |
explosion | strength |
fans | surface engineering |
FEM | systems |
filling systems | telescopic crane |
filter | testing machines |
filter system | tipper |
Finite element method | tolerances |
fire / fire damage | tool changer |
fire damage | toolmaking |
fittings | tools |
flame cutting systems | topology optimization |
flex discs | tower crane |
flow technology | tractors |
food industry | transmission |
food machines | transport damage |
forklift | transport systems |
forklift | tribology |
foundries | truck crane |
foundry machines | Tube |
Funfair rides | tube screw conveyors |
general average | turbines |
glass industry machines | valves |
GPSG | variant investigations |
grinders | vehicle industry |
handlebars | vehicle technology |
handling technique | vehicle wash systems |
heat exchanger | vending machines |
heat treatment | vibrating machines |
heating systems | vibration technology |
hoists | vibrations |
household appliances | vibrations |
hydraulic hoses | washing machines (drums) |
hydraulic pipes | waste technology |
hydraulic valves | wastewater treatment |
hydraulics | water meter |
idlers | water treatment plants |
image processing | waves |
impact crusher | wear and tear |
industrial dryer | welding machines |
industrial furnaces | welding technology |
industrial presses | wheel loader |
industrial robot | wheel-rail systems |
industrial washing machines | wind turbines |
industry rating | wire drawing lines |
internal combustion engines | wood chipper |
Lasers, laser technology | woodworking machinery |
lathes | work platforms |
laundry machines | working machines |

The tasks and topics are diverse, as the table shows. From a technical point of view, it is particularly exciting that at first glance supposedly “simple cases” can be or become difficult, both technically and in terms of processing the claim. In the same way, it is possible that a large claim with a corresponding amount of damage is technically rather easy to prove and can be settled quickly. In part, there are tasks that are from the category “hard to believe”. Ultimately, there is a wealth of experience in the “hard to believe” category. Ultimately, a wealth of experience on the part of the expert is important when providing “expert opinions on machinery”.
kjkjkjhverständigen when providing “expert opinions on machines important.
Experts in the provision of “expert opinions machines” important.
Experience with over 2000 companies
Due to the many claims in recent years, comprehensive know-how is available in the processing of claims, processes and the associated special pressure and cost situations.